Book Launches
Book Details
ISBN: 978-0-6399924-2-6
Author: Katlego Mbele
Published: October 2019
No of pages: 203
Format: Soft cover | Portrait
Category: Adult fiction
Price: R170 excl VAT
Direct orders:
K Mbele
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Target Market:
Adults, Young Adults, Victims of Abuse, Universities, Students, Women and Libraries
Book Summary:
“Sometimes life makes us bad people… life turns contentment into melancholy… life turns authenticity into counterfeit… life turns love into antipathy… antipathy towards those around you… antipathy towards God… antipathy towards oneself.”
They say love knows no boundaries but the young beautiful, Kendra Preston is forced to draw a line in this enthralling story, when her abusive, millionaire husband pushes her beyond all limits. Watch as a woman acts out in a mindless fit of depression to save her façade of marriage. Kendra is placed between a rock and a hard place when she is forced to gamble with her family, friends, sanity and even her life. Will this beauty play her cards right?
Key Selling Points:
This novel was written to illustrate how certain situations can turn innocent people into monsters, through the turn of events in the life of the fictional character Kendra Preston. This story is entirely fictional but also looks at the problems that the globe faces such as woman abuse, depression as well as suicide.
About the Author:
Katlego Mbele was born and raised in Johannesburg, Soweto. She studied Business management at the University of Johannesburg, where she is now looking to study English Literature and dabble in philosophy. Katlego started writing at the tender age of eleven and has been deeply immersed in the art of writing. She enjoys poetry, art as well music. She still lives with her three siblings and parents in Soweto. The family is the centre of her existence and her future – the Pulitzer.