Every year, since 2007, we as the Number 43 Foundation, have hosted a globally significant Legacy Event. Unfortunately, this year 2020, we could not. This was historic in its own right. In its stead, we decided to document this historical occurrence in the form of a coffee table book. This is predominantly electronic and distributed free of charge across the globe, as our contribution to societies of the world and humanity. This is made possible by our generous supporters, who ensured that we keep their resources and use them for the preservation of humanity, as colourfully illustrated within these precious covers.
We invite you to journey with us in marking the delicate steps taken by global humanity, navigating the landmines planted by the unforgiving COVID-19 virus.
We found it most appropriate to ensure that the launch of this book coincided with Woman’s Month – in recognition of the bearers of life. Even more importantly, the Foundation partnered with UN South Africa to appropriately position and popularise this story and history, across the globe. We are not only proud of the partnership, but humbled by it, yet again. The support of the Number 43 cause is deeply and truly appreciated.
This humble approach behind this initiative is to tell a simple human story of Families in lockdown, both in South Africa and across the world. So, it is an opportunity for the gathering and wherever people gather, to experience the first comprehensively documented experience of Families in lockdown, as well as see how technology was used to overcome. This is what President Ramaphosa urged us to strive for, as he led the nation down the unprecedented dark journey. It will be a sharing of experiences across the globe in the lockdown, through a Number 43 lens. It is a humanitarian exercise, in its own right and one most apt during the Month of August. We hope that one day it will be one of the key points of reference when the world looks back in time.
As stated in the editor’s section, uniquely entitled The Dawn of Dusk, whilst we have spent the last 12 years celebrating those people who dared their lives for South Africa’s Freedom. This year we have been forced to preserve humanity. This dovetails neatly with this year’s now-deferred Legacy Event, whose theme was Cuture&Freedom, in recognition of the contribution of uButhongo in South Africa’s total liberation. COVID-19 rudely interfered and we now find us self-incarcerated under lockdowns – a stark contradiction in kind.
It is instructive to note that, this work is dedicated to all those who lost their loved ones and were affected by Covid-19. In particular, it is dedicated to those citizens of South Africa and the world, in the frontline who dared their lives for our health – many of whom were lost in the battle, protecting us. We have kept you in our hearts and prayers. We will continue to do so, as long as we live.
Be Part of the Legacy
You may also visit www.number43trelawneypark.org for more details about the Foundation and its works.
Book Launches
Book Details
ISBN: 978-1-990972-60-7 (ePub)
Author: Elias Masilela
Published: August 2020
No of pages: 80
Format: E-book
Category: Compilation
Life Under a
Different Lockdown
Invaluable Signature of uGogo Esther Mahlangu, Endorsing Culture & Freedom as well as Magogoism
About the Author:
Economist, editor, academic, strategist, policy formulator, negotiator, business leader, international events coordinator and author … these are just some of the roles that Elias Masilela has performed in his short professional life. During the period of making of Larry’s history, he describes himself as having been
Roman Catholic by day and Lutheran by night. He is a Top 40 list Alan Paton nominee, for 2007.
He holds a BA degree in Social Sciences from the University of Swaziland as well as an MSc in Economic Policy.